Saturday, 31 December 2011

December pics

I didn't get around to putting up these pics earlier, so I figured I'd squeeze them all in on Dec 31.  Below are just random photos I took around town this month.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Rouge Park

I went to Rouge Park with a friend last weekend to get away from all the concrete for a bit. Once you enter the woods the city gets completely shut out. And it was so nice to get some really fresh air for a change. Maybe it was just me, but the air in there felt like it had extra oxygen in it. We went on the Mast trail, which was a pretty easy trek. Some people brought their dogs, and those canines were having the best time. You could tell they just wanted to bolt and run wild, but being off leash was strictly verboten on the trail. I could see how it would be easy to get lost because after a short time in there, you can completely lose your bearings. We just made sure that we were always pretty close to the little white painted markers on the trees. So here are the pics in the order of how we went through the trail.

There was carpet of leaves strewn on the ground making a nice springy base for us to walk on.

We thought we were too late to catch all the fall colours, but luckily we weren't.

This little maple leaf caught my eye, so of course I had to take a picture.

The Little Rouge river...

This wildflower has the prettiest lilac colour...

Like a Grimm fairy tale...

Some interesting fungi on a fallen log....

The way these leaves were hanging reminded me of a Calder mobile...

Hobbit hole!

If anyone tried to pull of a fuchsia and orange combo, it could just look gaudy. But in Nature it looks fantastic!

I saw a real acorn for the first time! Just like the pictures in the books I read as a kid!

I took a bunch of pics to try to capture the peaks and valleys of the landscape, but I think my camera was having a bit of trouble with the range. This is the closest I could get; I held the camera over my head. Didn't quite work, but it still looks nice!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Nuit Blanche 2011 - pics at last!

I went to Nuit Blanche on Oct 1, but I'm really late posting. Wanted to do it earlier, but I got a Mac recently. We're still at the "getting to know you stage". Got some help from the Apple support desk earlier, so now I'm getting to grips with iPhoto.

So onwards. First of all, it was freezing cold that night.  Whhhyy is it always freezing on NB night? I started the travels at my old U of T campus. Here are some pics of the Pharmacy building (I think). These weren't part of NB. I'm fairly sure they are a permanent installation in the building. I think they look like big, lovely pills.

I moved on to Hart House where I saw an installation about how hard it is to connect with people. At least, that's what I think I read in the statement. There were images projected onto the ceiling of people trying to give someone a kiss, but there was a space or something between the images so they never made contact. 

I went outside and saw another projection on a wall. I'm not sure what the theme was because I didn't stay too long. Did I mention that it was freezing. I just snapped and ran. 

Um, what came next... oh yeah..  more projections, this time in Queen's Park. Again, not sure what the story was because I didn't read the artist's statement.  To me it looked like a bunch of people embarking on some sort of adventure. Mainly, I just thought it looked cool. And it was nice to see everyone collectively engrossed in something (as opposed to privately engrossed in their Blackberries).

Random pic of people dancing in the park...I chose the blurry pic on purpose to denote "action!" - cunning, yes? Yes! It's my blog people..

By now it was 11 pm or something, so lovely empty roads to walk in the middle of. Ok, maybe there wasn't free license to do that, but I did it anyway.

I made my way to Bay and Dundas and happened upon a couple of other things. First a projection (seemed to be the theme of my night) onto a streetcar. Was this the one called Riding the Rocket? Probably...

I thought this was really cute, this guy trying to get his dog to stay still enough to take a pic. So, of course, I had to take a pic of them myself. Sorry about the blur. I did something to the settings accidentally.

Then some flaming pics. Due to the odd camera settings I picked by mistake, the blazing spurts of flames turned into big plumes of light.

Then onwards to Nathan Philips square. There was an installation that was supposed to depict flight patterns or something, but I was quite disappointed by it. I think the concept was interesting, but I could think of a couple of different ways to stretch the idea and simplify the execution. But the light show was great!!

Random car plus music combo...

Light show on side of building...I think I've seen that on the building on other days too...must investigate at some point...

So here's where wonky camera setting came in handy. It blacked out the surrounding and highlighted the projected images (projections again!). It was so pretty I forgot to figure out what it was about. Plus it was cold.

A pic of the reflection of the projection onto the side of a shiny building, just because I thought it was cool...

Glow in the dark wolves. I think these were in Cloud Park. It's actually quite close to where I work, but it was the first time I'd ever been there. I should go down side streets more often.

Just a shot to show the crowds downtown. I think there might have been a game that night too, judging by all the jerseys I saw. 

This is when I decided to head home. The crowds and cold finally got to me, so off I ran. Had to make sure that I didn't miss the last train anyway. But there was a tad more artwork to see. I caught a reel in the Bayview station.

A final art pic from the station itself. Both Shepard and Bayview were built with an arty angle. That should always be the goal!  And that was the end of my night. All in all, some lovely scenes.