Saturday 29 September 2012


Warning - these pics are going to be sickeningly pretty. It was one of those picture postcard days. No re-touching!

Saturday 8 September 2012


Finally getting round to putting some more vacation pics.  Only 4 months late - that's not terrible, right?!

Anyway, here are some from the ancient city of Ephesus.  First leg, travelling to the House of the Virgin Mary. The air was very cool and refreshing up there, but there were crowds milling around constantly. There was a service going on beside the house when we were there. I thought again, as I often have, about how nice it would be if I had that kind of faith. Too many doubts in my basket.

Then onwards to walk through some ruins. I did love strolling though the little street areas, pretending I was living in olden times. And once again, there were cats everywhere. How do they up there?!

Old-time public loos! Note the lack of partitions so that you can have a nice little (or long) chat with your neighbour while, um, answering nature's call. I guess this is the low-tech version of texting while in the loo.

Apparently, this is a type of advertising from those days, with the carving of the foot pointing towards the local brothel. PR through the ages!

The Library of Celsus - my kind of place!